In the standard model there are charges with Abelian anomaly only (e.g., right-handed electron number) which are effectively conserved in the early Universe until some time shortly before the electroweak scale. A state at finite chemical potential of such a charge, possibly arising due to asymmetries produced at the grand unified theory scale, is unstable to the generation of hypercharge magnetic field. Quite large magnetic fields (ϳ10 22 G at T ϳ 100 GeV with typical inhomogeneity scale ϳ 10 6 T ) can be generated. These fields may be of cosmological interest, potentially acting as seeds for amplification to larger scale magnetic fields through nonlinear mechanisms. Previously derived bounds on exotic B 2 L violating operators may also be evaded. [S0031-9007(97)03866-0] PACS numbers: 98.80. Cq, 11.10.Wx, 11.30.Fs, 98.62.En It is usually assumed that the early Universe at temperatures above the electroweak scale and below, say, 10 12 10 16 GeV (depending on the model of inflation) consists of an (almost) equilibrium primordial plasma of elementary particles, in which any long-range fields are absent. One exception is in the context of the problem of generating galactic magnetic fields, which may require the presence of primordial seed magnetic fields which are subsequently amplified by a galactic dynamo mechanism (see, e.g., [1]). The creation of long range magnetic fields requires that conformal invariance be broken in the coupling of the electromagnetic field to gravity [2], and a number of mechanisms based on different ideas about this breaking have been proposed to date [2,3]. In this Letter we argue that there may be a relation between the appearance of magnetic fields in the early Universe and two other, apparently completely unrelated, phenomena: (i) The smallness of the electron Yukawa coupling constant, and (ii) possible lepton asymmetry of the early Universe.In short, the logic goes as follows. There are three exact conservation laws in the standard electroweak theory. The associated conserved charges can be written aswhere L i is the lepton number of ith generation and B is the baryon number. The fourth possible combination, B 1 P i L i is not conserved because of electroweak anomalous processes, which are in thermal equilibrium in the range 100 , T , 10 12 GeV [4]. Now, if h e 0, where h e is the right electron Yukawa coupling constant, then the electroweak theory on the classical level shows a higher symmetry, associated with the chiral rotation of the right electron field. For the small actual value of the Yukawa coupling (h e 2.94 3 10 26 in the MSM), this symmetry has an approximate character. At temperatures higher than T R Ӎ 80 TeV perturbative processes with right electron chirality flip are slower than the expansion rate of the Universe [5], and therefore this symmetry may be considered as an exact one on the classical level at T . T R [6]. [The importance of this symmetry for the consideration of the washout of the grand unified theory (GUT) baryon asymmetry by anomalous electroweak B and...