We generalize the (∧, ∨)-canonical formulas to (∧, ∨)-canonical rules, and prove that each intuitionistic multi-conclusion consequence relation is axiomatizable by (∧, ∨)-canonical rules. This yields a convenient characterization of stable superintuitionistic logics. The (∧, ∨)-canonical formulas are analogues of the (∧, →)-canonical formulas, which are the algebraic counterpart of Zakharyaschev's canonical formulas for superintuitionistic logics (si-logics for short). Consequently, stable si-logics are analogues of subframe si-logics. We introduce cofinal stable intuitionistic multi-conclusion consequence relations and cofinal stable si-logics, thus answering the question of what the analogues of cofinal subframe logics should be. This is done by utilizing the (∧, ∨, ¬)-reduct of Heyting algebras. We prove that every cofinal stable si-logic has the finite model property, and that there are continuum many cofinal stable si-logics that are not stable. We conclude with several examples showing the similarities and differences between the classes of stable, cofinal stable, subframe, and cofinal subframe si-logics.formulas that provide a uniform axiomatization for large classes of si-logics and transitive modal logics. Zakharyaschev [26,27] generalized these results by introducing canonical formulas, which axiomatize all si-logics and all transitive modal logics. Jeřábek [21] further generalized Zakharyaschev's approach by defining canonical multi-conclusion rules that axiomatize all intuitionistic multi-conclusion consequence relations and all transitive modal multi-conclusion consequence relations.The algebraic counterparts of Zakharyaschev's canonical formulas for silogics are the (∧, →)-canonical formulas of [4]. The (∧, →)-canonical formula of a finite subdirectly irreducible (s.i.) Heyting algebra A fully describes the ∨-free reduct of A, but describes the behavior of the missing connective ∨ only partially. In fact, the algebraic content of Zakharyaschev's closed domain condition (CDC) is encoded by D ⊆ A 2 , where the behavior of ∨ is described fully. The (∧, →)-canonical formulas, though syntactically quite different, serve the same purpose as Zakharyaschev's canonical formulas in providing a uniform axiomatization of all si-logics.One of the main technical tools in developing the theory of (∧, →)-canonical formulas is Diego's theorem [11] that the variety of implicative meet-semilattices is locally finite. Another locally finite variety closely related to the variety of Heyting algebras is that of bounded distributive lattices. This suggests a different approach to canonical formulas, which was developed in [5], where (∧, ∨)-canonical formulas were introduced. The (∧, ∨)-canonical formula of a finite s.i. Heyting algebra A fully describes the bounded lattice reduct of A, and only partially the behavior of the missing connective →. In this case the CDC is encoded by D ⊆ A 2 , where the behavior of → is described fully. As in the (∧, →)-case, the (∧, ∨)-canonical formulas provide a uniform axiomatization of a...