, 530 (1985). A modification of the high temperature -dilute acid (HTDA) method for deuterium labelling of aromatic compounds has been applied to the H-D exchange of a number of cyclic and acyclic alkenes. Cyclopentene, cyclohexene, cyclododecene, and tetramethylethylene have been completely exchanged in excellent yield. 1-Methylcyclopentene and I-methylcyclohexene have also been perdeuterated and cycloheptene and cyclooctene partially labelled but require spinning band distillation or preparative glpc for separation from rearrangement products. A variety of C5-C8 acyclic alkenes have also been treated under HTDA conditions. NICK HENRY WERSTIUK et GEORGE TIMMINS. Can. J. Chem. 63, 530 (1985).On a applique une modification de la methode a haute ternpkrature en milieu acide diluk, dkveloppke pour marquer des composCs aromatiques avec du deuterium, a I'Cchange H-D d'un certain nombre d'alcknes cycliques et acycliques. Le cyclopentkne, le cyclohexkne, le cyclodeckne et le tCtramkthylkthylkne s'kchangent tous completement avec d'excellents rendements. Le methyl-l cyclopentkne et le methyl-I cyclohexkne sont aussi perdeutkrks alors que le cycloheptbne et le cyclooctkne ne sont que partiellement marquis; toutefois, dans ces cas, il faut faire appel soit a des distillations a l'aide de bande tournante soit a la cpg preparative pour sCparer les produits desires des produits de transposition. On a aussi trait6 de la m&me manikre un certain nombre d'alcknes acycliques comptant de 5 a 8 C.[Traduit par le journal]
IntroductionIn an attempt to develop high temperature -dilute acid exchange (HTDA) (1 -6) into a general technique for preparing deuterated (or tritiated) organic compounds we have extended our studies from aromatic compounds to alkenes.Early attempts to label alkenes using heterogeneous platinum catalysis resulted in extensive (up to 100%) disproportionation with only low levels of deuterium incorporation (7). Also, radiation induced methods such as the Wilzbach technique for tritium labelling lead to addition products in preference to substitution (8). In attempting to avoid some of these problems, Calf et al. (9) carried out exchange reactions in dilute DCI/D20 at temperatures of 110-130°C. They were successful in achieving incorporations of up to 35 at.% D.In this paper we describe deuterium labelling of alkenes using a modification of the HTDA method (1 -5). Exchange reactions were carried out with dilute DCI/DIO in sealed Pyrex tubes at elevated temperatures (165-280°C) in the presence and absence of decalin as a cosolvent and with or without mixing by shaking. In general, reactions were run to near equilibration (92-95 at.% D) with the deuterium pool in one cycle. For example, cyclopentene was labelled with 7.38 D atoms of deuterium per molecule (92.2 at.%; entry 5, Table I) in one cycle, whereas, Calf et al. (9) reported the incorporation of only 2.39 D atoms at 130°C.