In this paper we perform systematic investigation of all possible exponential solutions in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with the spatial section being a product of two subspaces.We describe a scheme which always allow to find solution for a given {p, q} > 2 (number of dimensions of two subspaces) and ζ (ratio of the expansion rates of these two subspaces).Depending on the parameters, for given {α, Λ} (Gauss-Bonnet coupling and cosmological constant) there could be up to four distinct solutions (with different ζ's). Stability requirement introduces relation between ζ, {p, q} and sign of the expansion rate. Nevertheless, for any {p, q} > 2 we can always choose sign for expansion rates so that the resulting solution would be stable. The scheme for finding solutions is described and the bounds on the parameters are drawn. Specific cases with {p, q} = {1, 2} are also considered. Finally, we separately described physically sensible case with one of the subspaces being three-dimensional and expanding (resembling our Universe) while another to be contracting (resembling extra dimensions), describing successful compactification; for this case we also drawn bounds on the parameters where such regime occurs.