“…[11,12] Given the successful material science of "hard" sphere FK phases,w hich includes the discovery of superconducting properties for A15 bimetallics, [13] one of the primary interests in the occurrence of similar one-component soft matter FK phases is the desire to understand the underlying principles and mechanisms by which an initial set of identical spherical particles can be driven to reconfigure and self-sort into two or more sets with different size or shape, and importantly,w ith different free energies. [14,15] Unfortunately,b ased on the structures and properties of the extremely small number of soft matter FK phases reported to date,s ignificant barriers to answering this question, and others,c urrently exist, and these include,u ndefined or limiting mechanisms and processes for thermotropic selfassembly,l ow thermodynamic or kinetic stability,a nd lowyielding syntheses of structurally-complex precursor materials.F or the discovery of new physical properties and phenomena, and ultimately,n ew technological innovations that are beneficial to society,i ti sa lso attractive,o rp erhaps even critical, if the scalable production of practical quantities of new soft matter FK phases can be achieved within the range of afew grams to up to several kilotons using short and reproducible synthetic schemes that are based on inexpensive, readily-available,a nd sustainable feedstocks.H erein, we report the serendipitous discovery that the one-component sugar-polyolefin conjugate derivative represented by triazole-linked, cellobiose-atactic poly(4-methyl-1-pentene)(CB-aPMP) 1 of Figure 2i sc apable of forming as oft matter FK A15 phase through as elf-assembly process that proceeds through fast and irreversible thermotropic order-order tran- sitions involving an initial hexagonal cylindrical (C)phase and at ransient A15 intermediate.I mportantly,u pon cooling to room temperature,t his final A15 phase of 1 displays exceptional stability in the solid state by remaining unchanged after storage under ambient conditions for, at least, three months, and after repetitive thermal cycling between 25 8 8Cand 180 8 8C. Ap roposed new,a nd potentially general, mechanism that accounts for these observations is based on as ymmetryallowed epitaxial transition pathway that uniquely avoids the need to invoke either dynamic mass transfer of molecular components between spheres or large structural reorganizations in the bulk to occur in order to establish unit cell nonequivalency of particles.S ince aw ide variety of sugarpolyolefin conjugates,i ncluding 1,c an indeed be obtained through simple synthetic routes in practical quantities from abundant and sustainable precursors,o ur results serve to establish ap otential path to viable scalable production and technological innovations of stable sugar-polyolefin FK A15 phases that further have the benefit of possessing intrinsic chirality and chemical reactivity that are associated with the sugar domain.…”