The properties of the resonant Gamow states are studied numerically in the semiclassical limit for the quantum Chirikov standard map with absorption. It is shown that the number of such states is described by the fractal Weyl law and their Husimi distributions closely follow the strange repeller set formed by classical orbits nonescaping in future times. For large matrices the distribution of escape rates converges to a fixed shape profile characterized by a spectral gap related to the classical escape rate. [9,10,11]. Thus the understanding of their properties in the semiclassical limit represents an important challenge.According to the fractal Weyl law [4,5] the number of Gamow eigenstates N γ , which have escape rates γ in a finite band width 0 ≤ γ ≤ γ b , scales aswhere d is a fractal dimension of a classical strange repeller formed by classical orbits nonescaping in future (or past) times. By numerical simulations it has been shown that the law (1) In view of the recent results described above I study numerically a simple model of the quantum Chirikov standard map (kicked rotator) with absorption introduced in [18] which allows to vary continuously the fractal dimension of the classical strange repeller. In this way the fractal Weyl law (1) is verified in the whole interval 1 ≤ d ≤ 2. The model also allows to establish the limiting semiclassical distribution over escape rates γ and find its links with the fractal properties of the classical strange repeller. The Chirikov standard map is a generic model of chaotic dynamics and it finds applications in various physical systems including magnetic mirror traps, accelerator beams, Rydberg atoms in a microwave field [19,20,21,22]. The quantum model has been built up in experiments with cold atoms [23]. Thus the results obtained for this model should be generic and should find applications for various systems.The quantum dynamics of the model is described by the evolution matrix:wheren = −i∂/∂θ and the operatorP projects the wave function to the states in the interval [−N/2, N/2]. The semiclassical limit corresponds to k → ∞, T → 0 with the chaos parameter K = kT = const and absorption boundary a = N/k = const. Thus N is inversely proportional to the effective Planck constant T =h ef f , it gives the number of quantum eigenstates and the number of quantum cells inside the classical phase space. The classical dynamics is described by the Chirikov standard map [19,20] in its symmetric form: n = n + k sin θ + T n 2 ,θ = θ + T 2 (n +n).Physically, the map describes a free particle propagation in presence of periodic kicks with period T (e.g. kicks of optical lattice in [23]). In this model all trajectories (and quantum probabilities) escaping the interval [−N/2, N/2] are absorbed and never return back. It is convenient to fix K = 7 so that the phase space have no visible stability