The structurala nd aromaticity control of hexakis(pentafluorophenyl) [34]octaphyrin( 1 was examined by protonation and deprotonation. Protonation of 1 with methanesulfonica cid (MSA) induced as tructural change from af igure-eightt oarectangular shape,a ccompanied by an aromaticity change from nonaromatict o strong Hückel aromatic. Deprotonation of 1 with tetrabutylammonium difluorotriphenylsilicate (TBAT) or fluoride (TBAF) produced amono-deprotonated specieswith asimilar figure-eight conformation andn onaromaticity.Recently,i ncreasing attention has been focused on expanded porphyrins in light of their fascinating properties such as large p-conjugations, conformationalf lexibilities, near-infrared (NIR) absorption, rich metal coordination,r adical-stabilizing abilities, and potential tos erve as platforms of Mçbius aromatic and antiaromatic molecules, which are not shared with porphyrin. [1] Since our serendipitousd iscoveryo faone-pot synthesis of meso-aryl-substituted expanded porphyrins, [2] we have actively exploredt heir properties. Sessler et al., [3] Latos-Grażyń ski et al., [4] Chandrashekar et al., [5] Anand et al., [6] and others [7] made continuous efforts to develop novel features of expanded porphyrins. Through these efforts, it is now clear that expanded porphyrins are an effectivea romaticity-switching motif.Naturally,t he aromaticity of expanded porphyrins is heavily dependentu pon their conformations,a nd therefore conformational control of expanded porphyrins is crucial in the exploration of aromaticity-switching expanded porphyrins. So far,p rotonation, [8] deprotonation, [9] metal coordination [10] and solvents [11] have been used for conformational control of expanded porphyrins. Among these means, protonation and deprotonation are expected to be quite effective, sincet he conformations of expanded porphyrins are usually held by intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the amine-and imine-type pyrroles. Actually,p rotonation and deprotonation of meso-hexakis(pentafluorophenyl)