lesser extent rejecting waste heat in high duty rep-rated systems.The design of compact pulsed power systems involves In cases where the desired output voltage is greater the trade between size, pulse length, and pulse shape. A than 100-kV, a Marx topology, a pulse transformer, or stacked Blumlein line with high dielectric constant material some combination of both is used to scale the voltage can deliver a voltage flattop to a matched load with an delivered by the power supply.[4] For compact pulse energy density similar to capacitor banks. By imbedding generators, the Marx topology is more commonly used nano-scale titanate particles in an epoxy matrix, a since it reduces sub-system count by combining the energy composite material with a relative permittivity in the range storage and power scaling sub-systems. [4,5] Voltage of 30 to 60 may be realized without the drastic loss in scaling is an essential function of compact pulsed power dielectric strength associated with large area ceramics. So systems since the system size is strongly driven by the called ceramic loaded polymer dielectric employed in a storage voltage.[2] Modest pulse shaping can be Blumlein line facilitates the fabrication of a compact pulse accomplished with Marx banks by the inclusion or forming line potentially suitable for driving loads of several reduction of inductance between stages. Typically large tens of Ohms in the GW power range for greater than 100 rep-rate systems will incorporate a pulse forming line ns. This paper describes the initial efforts to fabricate and (PFL) to shape the pulse, whereas, compact systems may test a parallel plate Blumlein incorporating ceramic loaded use a Marx pulse forming network (PFN) topology to polymer dielectric.Two single-stage parallel plate address pulse shaping. While PFLs deliver very high Blumlein lines were fabricated with different ceramic quality voltage flat-tops to matched loads, they seldom lend loading. The lines were designed to yield a 50 ns pulse into themselves to compact designs. Conversely, the flexibility a 6.25 Q load. The Blumlein lines were designed to be to tune a PFN for a load generally competes with the desire charged to 62.5 kV, and both fabricated units held the to make a compact system, and a network increases the part charge voltage in static tests. A small railgap switch was count. Solid dielectric pulse forming lines have the fabricated for use with the Blumlein lines. A mid-plane potential to store pulse energy. The PFL may also be knife-edge electrode was used to trigger the switch. The stacked similarly to a Marx bank to facilitate voltage results of the tests are presented along with projections for scaling of the output. [4,6] For common dielectrics the the future development of this technology. resulting PFL suffers from a poor energy storage density compared with other options for many compact pulsed