Nonlinearities in demographic models arise due to density dependence, frequency dependence (in 2-sex models), feedback through the environment or the economy, recruitment subsidy due to immigration, and from the scaling inherent in calculations of proportional population structure. This chapter presents a series of analyses particular to nonlinear models: the sensitivity and elasticity of equilibria, cycles, ratios (e.g., dependency ratios), age averages and variances, temporal averages and variances, life expectancies, and population growth rates, for both age-classified and stage-classified models. Nonlinearity is defined in contrast to linearity. If x is an age or stage distribution vector, and if the dynamics of x are given by x(t + 1) = f [x(t)], (10.1) then the model is linear if f (•) is a linear function, i.e., if f (ax 1 + bx 2) = af (x 1) + bf (x 2) (10.2) for any constants a and b and any vectors x 1 and x 2. If a model is not linear, it is nonlinear. Not surprisingly, this covers a lot of territory, but nonlinearity in demographic models can be classified into four main sources: density dependence, environmental feedback, interactions between the sexes, and models that arise in calculation of proportional structure.