A new formulation of chiral fermions on the lattice is presented. It is a
version of overlap fermions, but built from the computationally efficient
staggered fermions rather than the previously used Wilson fermions. The
construction reduces the four quark flavors described by the staggered fermion
to two quark flavors; this pair can be taken as the up and down quarks in
Lattice QCD. The exact flavored chiral symmetry of the staggered fermion gets
converted into an unflavored Ginsparg-Wilson chiral symmetry of the new overlap
fermion, which also has pairs of exact chiral zero-modes satisfying the Index
Theorem. Stability under radiative corrections is checked. A domain wall
formulation giving a truncation of this overlap construction is also outlined.Comment: v2: 11 pages, 1 figure; some revisions in the discussions; results
unchanged; to appear in Phys.Lett.