The defining feature of memoryless quantum walks is that they operate on the vertex space of a graph, and therefore can be used to produce search algorithms with minimal memory. We present a memoryless walk that can find a unique marked vertex on a twodimensional grid. Our walk is based on the construction proposed by Falk, which tessellates the grid with squares of size 2 × 2. Our walk uses minimal memory, O( N log N) applications of the walk operator, and outputs the marked vertex with vanishing error probability. To accomplish this, we apply a selfloop to the marked vertex-a technique we adapt from interpolated walks. We prove that with our explicit choice of selfloop weight, this forces the action of the walk asymptotically into a single rotational space. We characterize this space and as a result, show that our memoryless walk produces the marked vertex with a success probability asymptotically approaching one.(n r +2)(n c −2) 8