Robotic prosthetic legs and exoskeletons require real-time and accurate estimation of the walking environment for smooth transitions between different locomotion mode controllers. However, previous studies have mainly been limited to static image classification, therein ignoring the temporal dynamics of human-robot locomotion. Motivated by these limitations, here we developed several state-of-the-art temporal convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to compare the performances between static vs. sequential image classification of real-world walking environments (i.e., level-ground terrain, incline stairs, and transitions to and from stairs). Using our large-scale image dataset, we trained a number of encoder networks such as VGG, MobileNetV2, ViT, and MobileViT, each coupled with a temporal long short-term memory (LSTM) backbone. We also trained MoViNet, a new video classification model designed for mobile and embedded devices, to further compare the performances between 2D and 3D temporal deep learning models. Our 3D network outperformed all the hybrid 2D encoders with LSTM backbones and the 2D CNN baseline model in terms of classification accuracy, suggesting that network architecture can play an important role in performance. However, although our 3D neural network achieved the highest classification accuracy, it had disproportionally higher computational and memory storage requirements, which can be disadvantageous for real-time control of robotic leg prostheses and exoskeletons with limited onboard resources.