Endemic Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreaks are a threat to animal husbandry, especially beef cattle in Indonesia. As a response to the emergence of the outbreak, appropriate management policies are needed to minimize losses, considering that the majority of animal husbandry in Indonesia is small businesses. This study aimed to find out the government’s policy response in handling FMD in Indonesia since it was first discovered (28 April 2022) in Gresik, East Java to early 2023. This research method uses a qualitative method with a case study approach sourced from government data in the form of publications, reports, statutory policies, statistics, and regulatory literature studies issued by the government in response to the outbreak. The results of the research show that the government implemented various policies to control FMD outbreaks starting from the pre-crisis evaluation stage with the existence of Law Number 41 of 2014 and Law Number 21 of 2019 and the derivative regulations under them. In the second phase, pre-crisis preparedness, the government responds to outbreaks in several districts in East Java and Aceh to designate them as FMD pandemic areas. In the third stage, crisis response through organizational coordination is carried out with the cooperation of Pentahelix from various sectors and layers of society in handling FMD. Finally, after recovery and investigation, the government realized the importance of vaccination and outreach, especially to smallholder farmers in Indonesia.