and to devise a course of laboratory work which shall meet with the approval of everyone concerned, this committee desires the hearty cooperation of all who are in any way interested in this most important work. Since the physical laboratory work in secondary schools is rapidly becoming of such increasing importance, its value being recognized by all, and since Harvard University has taken the lead in outlining a definite preparatory course, the importance of the contemplated revision is obvious. All teachers who are interested in this matter, and who desire to present their views to the Association of Physics Teachers, are invited to communicate with the secretary, A. B. Kimball, Eng-lish High School, Worcester, Mass. Forum, November, I895. Shows what the subsequent career, after graduation, has been of more than a thousand women who have graduated from Vassar College since the opening, thirty years ago. PATERNAL AUTHORITY AND ITS DECLINE. By C. P. SEEDEN. North American Review, November, I895. THE decline of paternal authority is widespread, but nowhere has there been so great an abandonment of control as in America. In compensation there is, however, a growing belief that "Le pouvoir paternal est Plutot un devoir qu'un pouvoir." In recognition of this principle the cost and care of bringing up a child properly have become so great that there is an increasing sentiment in favor of small families, not only on the part of those who pride themselves upon their enlightened selfishness, but among conscientious people who realize the difficulties of bringing up a child in the way he should go. Save in agricultural communities, children seldom render any efficient service to their parents, and the young person adequately fitted for a profession, in most cases, has cost his parents and institutions of learning not less than fifteen or twenty thousand dollars. This excessive tax upon the head of a household and upon the state suggests the possibility of mistaken zeal in inducing young people to abandon the field of manual labor. and to devise a course of laboratory work which shall meet with the approval of everyone concerned, this committee desires the hearty cooperation of all who are in any way interested in this most important work. Since the physical laboratory work in secondary schools is rapidly becoming of such increasing importance, its value being recognized by all, and since Harvard University has taken the lead in outlining a definite preparatory course, the importance of the contemplated revision is obvious. All teachers who are interested in this matter, and who desire to present their views to the Association of Physics Teachers, are invited to communicate with the secretary, A. B. Kimball, Eng-lish High School, Worcester, Mass. Forum, November, I895. Shows what the subsequent career, after graduation, has been of more than a thousand women who have graduated from Vassar College since the opening, thirty years ago. PATERNAL AUTHORITY AND ITS DECLINE. By C. P. SEEDEN. North American Review, November, I895...