Weyl conformal geometry is a gauge theory of scale invariance that naturally brings together the Standard Model (SM) and Einstein gravity. The SM embedding in this geometry is possible without new degrees of freedom beyond SM and Weyl geometry, while Einstein gravity is generated by the broken phase of this symmetry. This follows a Stueckelberg breaking mechanism in which the Weyl gauge boson becomes massive and decouples, as discussed in the past [1–3]. However, Weyl anomaly could break explicitly this gauge symmetry, hence we study it in Weyl geometry. We first note that in Weyl geometry metricity can be restored with respect to a new differential operator ($$ \hat{\nabla} $$
) that also enforces simultaneously a Weyl-covariant formulation. This leads to a metric-like Weyl gauge invariant formalism that enables one to do quantum calculations directly in Weyl geometry, rather than use a Riemannian (metric) geometry picture. The result is the Weyl-covariance in d dimensions of all geometric operators ($$ \hat{R} $$
, etc) and of their derivatives ($$ \hat{\nabla} $$
μ$$ \hat{R} $$
, etc), including the Euler-Gauss-Bonnet term. A natural (geometric) Weyl-invariant dimensional regularisation of quantum corrections exists and Weyl gauge symmetry is then maintained and manifest at the quantum level. This is related to a non-trivial current of this symmetry, the divergence of which cancels the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. The “usual” Weyl anomaly and Riemannian geometry are recovered in the (spontaneously) broken phase. The relation to holographic Weyl anomaly is discussed.