Special generic maps are smooth maps at each singular point of which we can represent as (x 1 ,for suitable coordinates. Morse functions with exactly two singular points on homotopy spheres and canonical projections of unit spheres are special generic. They are known to restrict the topologies and the differentiable structures of the manifolds in various situations. On the other hands, various manifolds admit such maps.This article first presents a special generic map on a 7-dimensional manifold and the image. This results also seems to present a new example of 7-dimensional closed and simply-connected manifolds having non-vanishing triple Massey products and seems to be a new work related to similar works by Dranishnikov and Rudyak. We also review results on vanishing of products of cohomology classes, previously obtained by the author. The images of special generic maps are smoothly immersed manifolds whose dimensions are equal to the dimensions of the targets. The author studied the topologies of these images previously and studies on homology groups, cohomology rings and structures of them for special generic maps having simple structures will be presented as new results.
Introduction.Throughout the present paper, manifolds and maps between manifolds are smooth or of class C ∞ . Diffeomorphisms on smooth manifolds are assumed to be smooth. We define the diffeomorphism group of a smooth manifold is the group of all the diffeomorphisms there. We assume that the structure groups of bundles whose fibers are smooth manifolds are subgroups of the diffeomorphism groups unless otherwise stated: in other words the bundles are smooth. The class of linear bundles is a subclass of the class of smooth bundles. A bundle is linear if the fiber is regarded as a unit sphere or a unit disc in a Euclidean space and the structure group acts linearly in a canonical way. In addition, (boundary) connected sums are discussed in the smooth category unless otherwise stated.A singular point p ∈ X of a smooth map c : X → Y is a point at which the rank of the differential dc p is smaller than both the dimensions dim X and dim Y . S(c) denotes the set of all the singular points of c (the singular set of c). We call c(S(c)) the singular value set of c. We call Y − c(S(c)) the regular value set of c.