Iridium -I92, in th e form of small pl atinum-or s tainless-s teel-cl ad seeds, is used for radiation th erapy. Standardization of this radionuclid e, for th e quantity exposure was carrie d out by meas uring groups of seeds in an open-air geome try, using the NBS standard graph it e cav ity ionization chamber s, and transferri ng th e expo sure data to a r e-en trant ioni zation chamber.Tabl es are provid ed from which the corr ect ions for the graphite cha mber have been calculated along with co rrec tion s for roo m scatter ing .Radi ographs of th e so urce arr ays ar e shown and details of the re·entrant chambe r so urce meas ure me nts and cons truction are provid ed .As assessment of the errors involved in establi shing this standard leads to a sta te ment of 2 perce nt fo r the overall un certainty in the cal ibration of an iridium see d for th e quantity exposure.