IntroductionHuman parvovirus B19 (B19), frequently seen all over the world, is a pathogenic agent associated with various diseases and disorders that affect different body systems. Erythema infectiosum, chronic arthritis, spontaneous abortion, hematological disorders, myocarditis, and glomerulonephritis are only some of these (1-3). B19 is spread from person to person by infected respiratory secretions, by infected blood and blood-product transfusions, and by vertical transmission from mother to fetus (4,5).B19-specific IgM antibodies appear 10-12 days after exposure to the virus and may be detected in serum for 3-6 months. IgG antibodies appear after approximately 2 weeks and persist for life (6). The prevalence of antibodies to B19 has been reported at higher rates in studies carried out in different geographic regions. Approximately 15% of preschool children, 50% of adults, and 85% of the elderly Background/aim: Human parvovirus B19 is a pathogen that affects different parts of the body. We planned this study because of the lack of data on B19 seroprevalence based on different body-system diseases.
Materials and methods:The prevalence of parvovirus B19 antibodies was investigated retrospectively in 1239 patients by review of medical records from 2009-2012, according to their diseases classified under general titles in compliance with the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Parvovirus B19-specific antibodies were detected by quantitative enzyme immunoassays.
Results:The positivity rate was 27.8% for only IgG, 8.5% for only IgM, and 2.6% for both IgG and IgM. The highest positivity for IgG alone was found in musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases (55.9%), while the highest positivity for IgM was found in neoplasms (16.4%). The highest positivity for IgG was seen in rheumatoid arthritis (72.2%) and pregnancy (52.6%), and the highest positivity for total IgM was found in upper respiratory tract disease (21.0%) and hepatic failure (17.1%).Conclusions: Parvovirus B19 seroprevalence was relatively low in northeastern Anatolia compared to most serological studies conducted in other regions. We think that this study has provided the first wide-ranging information on the seroprevalence of B19 in diseases and disorders of the major human body systems.