To compare effectiveness of an antishear mattress overlay (ASMO) with a standard ambulance stretcher surface in reducing pressure and shear and increasing comfort.
In this randomized, crossover design, adults in 3 body mass index categories served as their own controls. Pressure/shear sensors were applied to the sacrum, ischial tuberosity, and heel. The stretcher was placed in sequential 0°, 15°, and 30° head-of-bed elevations with and without ASMO. The ambulance traveled a closed course, achieving 30 mph, with 5 stops at each head-of-bed elevation. Participants rated discomfort after each series of 5 runs.
Thirty participants were included. Each participant had 30 runs (15 with ASMO, 15 without), for a total of 900 trial runs. The peak-to-peak shear difference between support surfaces was −0.03 N, indicating that after adjustment for elevation, sensor location, and body mass index, peak shear levels at baseline (starting pause) were 0.03 N lower for ASMO than for the standard surface (P = .02). Peak-to-peak pressure differences between surfaces was −0.16 mm Hg, indicating that prerun peak-to-peak pressure was 0.16 mm Hg lower with ASMO vs standard surface (P = .002). The heel received the most pressure and shear. Discomfort score distributions differed between surfaces at 0° (P = .004) and 30° (P = .01); overall score across all elevations was significantly higher with the standard surface than ASMO (P = .046).
ASMO reduced shear, pressure, and discomfort. During transport, additional heel off-loading should be provided.