The present study was carried out to study the management of second and third degree haemorrhoids with Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoid (MIPH) and its outcome. Twenty five cases were included in the study. The major aims of the study were to evaluate the merits and demerits of Minimal Invasive Procedure for management of second and third degree haemorrhoids by using haemorrhoidal set and to study the efficacy of MIPH (Stapled haemorrhoidopexy) in terms of duration of surgery, early complications, time of ambulation, mean hospital stay, time of rejoin to work and late complications. The study was carried out in MB Government Hospital associated with R.N.T. Medical College, Udaipur. Patients admitted in different surgical wards were taken for study. Material and method used in this study include various laboratory investigations including CBC, BT, CT, Blood Sugar, S-urea, S-creatinine, HIV, HBsAg, Urine complete, X-Ray Chest and ECG. Special Investigation including Per rectal examination for anal sphincter tone, pain, any rectal growth, prolapse, bleeding, discharge and Proctoscopy to evaluate positions and grades of piles. Statistical analysis of various data done and maximum incidence thirty six percent of second and third degree haemorrhiods was found in 31-40 year age group. Males were predominantly affected as compared to females. Patients with second and third degree of haemorrhoids mostly visited hospital for bleeding per rectum and prolapse. Other symptoms about which patient were concerned were pain, itching and discharge and about half of the patients had associated history of constipation. Most of patients seek surgeons attention after a period of about one month. Twenty percent patients had positive family history of haemorrhoid. Eighty eight percent patients had taken some treatment in the form of laxative and ointment. Eight percent patients had undergone sclerotherapy and twelve percent patients had undergone ligation previously. Sixty eight percent patients had piles at three positions. Patients showd almost similar distribution of piles in relation to their positions at 3 O'Clock, 7 O'Clock & 11 O'Clock however secondary piles were found in eight percent patients. Forty percent patients were having second degree haemorrhoids and sixty percent patients had third degree haemorrhoids. Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoid (MIPH) were performed in all 25 patients and fifty two percents were operated in 21-30 minutes. Twenty eight percent patients developed one or more early complication including bleeding, retention of urine, pain and prolapse.Seventy two percent patients became ambulatory within 6-12 hours after MIPH surgery. On first dressing no complaint was reported in ninty two percent patients. Eighty four percent patients were discharged on 2 nd day after MIPH. Mean hospital stay was 2.4 day. Sixty percent patients joined their work on 4-5 days after operation. Anal Stricture in four percent patients, tenesmus in eight percent patients and recurrence in four percent...