Using adaptive optics with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), the Middle Ages Galaxy Properties with Integral Field Spectroscopy (MAGPI) survey allows us to study the spatially resolved Universe at a crucial time of ∼4 Gyr ago (z ∼ 0.3) when simulations predict the greatest diversity in evolutionary pathways for galaxies. We investigate the radial trends in the star formation (SF) activity and luminosity-weighted stellar ages as a function of offset from the star-forming main sequence (SFMS) for a total of 294 galaxies. Using both Hα emission and the 4000 Å break (i.e., D4000) as star formation rate (SFR) tracers, we find overall flat radial profiles for galaxies lying on and above the SFMS, suggestive of physical processes that enhance/regulate SF throughout the entire galaxy disc. However, for galaxies lying below the SFMS, we find positive gradients in SF suggestive of inside-out quenching. Placing our results in context with results from other redshift regimes suggests an evolution in radial trends at z ∼ 0.3 for SF galaxies above the SFMS, from uniformly enhanced SF at z ∼ 1 and z ∼ 0.3 to centrally enhanced SF at z ∼ 0 (when averaged over a wide range of mass). We also capture higher local SFRs for galaxies below the SFMS compared to that of z ∼ 0, which can be explained by a larger population of quenched satellites in the local Universe and/or different treatments of limitations set by the D4000-sSFR relation.