“…We have not, for instance, at all touched the important and fairly complex problem of quantization with constraints, including BFV and BRST quantizations (see Sniatycki [232], Tuynman [244], Ibort [134], Batalin and Tyutin [27], Batalin, Fradkin and Fradkina [26], Kostant and Sternberg [158], Grigoriev and Lyakhovich [119]) and the relationship between quantization and reduction (Sjamaar [229], Tian and Zhang [239], Jorjadze [135], Bordemann, Herbig and Waldmann [44], Mladenov [173], Huebschmann [132], Vergne [255]); or quantum field theory and field quantization (Greiner and Reinhardt [118], Borcherds and Barnard [25]), etc. Some useful surveys concerning the topics we have covered, as well as some of those that we have not, are Sternheimer [237], Weinstein [260], Fernandes [89], Echeverria-Enriquez et al [78], Sniatycki [230], Ali [3], Blattner [38], Tuynman [245], Borthwick [48], and the books of Fedosov [88], Landsman [162], Bates and Weinstein [28], Souriau [233], Perelomov [203], Bandyopadhyay [21], Greiner and Reinhardt [118] and Woodhouse [263] mentioned above.…”