The present work deals with a set of problems in isotope shifts of neutral
barium spectral lines. Some well known transitions
($6s^2~^1S_0-6s6p~^{1,3}P^o_1$ and $6s^2~^1S_0-6p^2~^3P_0$) are first
investigated. Values of the changes in the nuclear mean-square charge radius
are deduced from the available experimental isotope shifts using our ab initio
electronic factors. The three sets $\{ \delta\langle r^2\rangle^{A,A'}\} $
obtained from these lines are consistent with each other. The combination of
the available nuclear mean-square radii with our electronic factors for the
$6s5d~^3D_{1,2} -6s6p~^{1}P^o_1$ transitions produces isotope shift values in
conflict with the laser spectroscopy measurements of Dammalapati et al. (Eur.
Phys. J. D 53, 1 (2009))