As explained in the first chapter, both the transistor and thyristor types of self-commutating power switches can now be combined in series to form reliable high-voltage valves. The seriesconnected power switches can be fired synchronously or asynchronously (with switch voltage clamping assistance). Synchronous control, used in two-level VSC, causes static and dynamic voltage sharing problems as well as high dv=dt.Possible alternatives to two-level conversion for high-voltage applications are the multipulse and multilevel topologies. Increasing the pulse number has been traditionally achieved in current source conversion by the series or parallel connection of bridges, their respective voltage waveforms being phase-shifted with respect to each other by appropriate connections of the interface transformers. Applying the multibridge concept to self-commutating voltage source conversion improves the converter output waveforms without the assistance of highfrequency switching. However, for high-pulse conversion the increased number of converter transformers required makes this solution unattractive.A more effective alternative for high-voltage application is the multilevel concept with asynchronous firing control; this improves the dynamic voltage balancing of the valves, while the steady state voltage sharing is achieved by means of clamping devices.Like in the case of PWM, multilevel converters can vary the phase position of the converter fundamental frequency voltage with respect to the AC system voltage waveform; however, their effect on the fundamental frequency voltage magnitude is very different. In the PWM solution the magnitude of this voltage can be varied independently from the DC voltage, whereas in the multilevel alternative the voltage magnitude is fixed by the DC voltage. The main object of multilevel conversion is to generate a good high-voltage waveform by stepping through several intermediate voltage levels, i.e. the series-connected devices are switched sequentially producing an output waveform in steps. This eliminates the low-order harmonics and reduces the dv=dt rating of the valves by forcing them to switch against a fraction of the DC voltage.