The velocity dependence of the rate constant for free-ion production via the Rydberg electron-transfer reaction K(np)+SF6~K++SF6 * has been investigated at intermediate n. The data provide evidence of a postattachment interaction between the product ions in which internal energy from the SF6 ion is converted into translational energy. A similar conclusion is reached from measurements of the velocity and angular distributions of the product K+ ions.PACS number(s): 34.60.+z, 34.80.Gs For several years, Rydberg-atom collisions have been used as a tool to investigate electron attachment to electronegative molecules [1 -3]. These studies have been predicated on the free-electron model of Rydberg-atom collisions, which asserts that the average separation between the excited, weakly bound electron and the core ion is so large that they can be considered as independent particles. Electron attachment is then viewed as resulting from a binary interaction between the "essentially free" Rydberg electron and target molecule [4]. The freeelectron model is reasonable because the range of the electron-target interaction is much smaller than the separation between the Rydberg electron and core ion. The utility and essential correctness of this model have been discussed at length elsewhere [1,4]. However, in performing and interpreting experiments with Rydberg atoms, it is important to understand that the free-electron model can only be expected to apply to the initial Rydberg electron-molecule encounter, after which the reaction products may have some further interaction. Studies with electron-attaching molecules have revealed that, at low-to-intermediate values of principal quantum number n, postattachment electrostatic interactions between the product ions become important and can result in a marked decrease in the rate constant for free-ion production [5 -8]. In the present paper we report the findings of a study of the velocity dependence for free-ion production via the reaction K(np)+ SF6~K ++ SF6 which results in the formation of long-lived SF6 ions. The present data provide evidence of a second type of postattachment interaction in which internal energy from the SF6 * ions is converted into translational energy.This evidence is obtained through measurements of the rate constant for free-ion production and through kinematic studies of the angular and velocity distributions of the product K+ ions.The present apparatus is shown in Fig. 1 and has been described previously [2,3]. Potassium atoms contained in a tightly collimated ( -1 mm diam) thermal-energy (-300 C) beam are excited to a selected np state using LASER BEAM COLL IMATING APERTURE POSITION-SENSITIVE DETECTOR HOT WIRE DETECTOR INTERACTION REGION DRIFT REGION ALKALI OVEÑ + COL APE REGION FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the apparatus.the output of a frequency-doubled CR699-21 dye laser.The long-term drift in the laser output frequency is reduced to~+2 MHz per day using a technique described in detail elsewhere [9]. The output of the laser is formed into a series of puls...