This paper investigates the Gaussian state-dependent interference channel (IC) and Z-IC, in which two receivers are corrupted respectively by two different but correlated states that are noncausally known to two transmitters but are unknown to the receivers. Three interference regimes are studied, and the capacity region boundary or the sum capacity boundary is characterized either fully or partially under various channel parameters. In particular, the impact of the correlation between states on cancellation of state and interference as well as achievability of capacity is explored with numerical illustrations. For the very strong interference regime, the capacity region is achieved by the scheme where the two transmitters implement a cooperative dirty paper coding. For the strong but not very strong interference regime, the sum-rate capacity is characterized by rate splitting, layered dirty paper coding and successive cancellation. For the weak interference regime, the sum-rate capacity is achieved via dirty paper coding individually at two receivers as well as treating interference as noise.
IntroductionState-dependent interference channels (ICs) are of great interest in wireless communications, in which receivers are interfered not only by other transmitters' signals but also by independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) state sequences. The state can capture interference signals that are informed to transmitters, and are hence often assumed to be noncausally known by these transmitters in the model. Such interference cognition can occur in practical wireless networks due to node coordination or backhaul networks.Both the state-dependent IC and Z-IC have been studied in the literature. The statedependent IC was studied in [1, 2] with two receivers corrupted by the same state, and in [3]