The last comprehensive study to examine the assessment practices promoted by schoolpsychology programs was published 25 years ago (i.e., Wilson & Reschly, 1996). Since then,significant changes to assessment theory and practice have occurred. Data from a 2020 survey ofdirectors of school psychology programs were collected to gain an understanding of currentgraduate training in test use and assessment. Results were compared to a current survey ofpractitioners as well as past surveys of trainers. Results indicate that the assessment instrumentsused most frequently by practitioners tend to be those that are strongly emphasized in training programs. There were significant changes over time, most notably a large increase in the extentto which programs emphasize rating scales. Programs continue to strongly emphasizestandardized, norm-referenced tests, particularly tests of cognitive abilities and academicachievement. Programs also continue to emphasize behavioral observation methods. In contrastto our expectations, results also reveal a persistent emphasis on low-value instruments such asprojective tests. The implications of these findings for training and practice are discussed.