ABSTRACT. We continue our study of generalized probability from the viewpoint of category theory. Assuming that each generalized probability measure is a morphism, we model basic probabilistic notions within the category cogenerated by its range. It is known that the closed unit interval I = [0, 1], carrying a suitable difference structure, cogenerates the category ID in which the classical and fuzzy probability theories can be modeled. We study generalized probability theories modeled within two different categories cogenerated by a simplexx i ≤ 1 , carrying a suitable difference structure; since I and S 1 coincide, for n = 1 we get the fuzzy probability theory as a special case. In the first case, when the morphisms preserve the so-called pure elements, the resulting category S n D, n > 1, and ID are isomorphic and the generalized probability theories modeled in ID and S n D are "the same". In the second case, when the morphisms map each maximal element to a maximal element, the resulting categories W S n D, n > 1, lead to different models of generalized probability theories. We define basic notions of the corresponding simplex-valued probability theories and mention some applications.