The article deals with the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen in administrative proceedings under martial law.
It is argued that the right to a fair trial is a non-limiting right during certain emergencies. In the conditions of martial law, the implementation of the principle of court accessibility is one of the key factors for society, individual citizens, and for the effective functioning of public authorities and the state in general. It is argued that the right to judicial protection is critically important during war, and its hypothetical restriction could provoke the illegitimacy of the government, civil unrest, and in a broad sense, anarchy and violation of the rule of law.
It has been proven that the legal system acts as an invariable mechanism for compliance with the requirements of legality, even in difficult political and legal circumstances due to the continuity of functioning, including administrative proceedings. In the conditions of war, when many democratic forms of public participation in the political process are limited, only administrative justice acts as the mechanism that allows you to oppose this "dominant paradigm” of executive management and is able to resolve public requests, overcome possible dissonances between the government and society, and normalize social relations according to the latest challenges and requests. Therefore, the effective and proper work of the judicial system as a whole, and especially of the administrative judiciary, creates a "platform” for preserving the policy of a democratic, legal state in conditions of martial law.
It is also indicated that the role of administrative justice during the war is also valuable in that court decisions strengthen state-authority decisions and form proper law enforcement practice for subjects of power and other subjects.
The three most significant problems of the functioning of administrative justice in the conditions of war are singled out: territorial accessibility, security threats and difficulties of a procedural nature. It was determined that electronic governance has become an effective mechanism for countering military threats to the administrative justice system.