In this paper, we propose a strategy for the robust stabilization of uncertain linear time-invariant(LTI) systems considering sensors and actuators whose dynamics cannot be neglected. The control problem isaddressed by defining an augmented system encompassing the plant, sensor and actuator dynamics. The centralidea of the proposed method lies in the fact that the actual plant states, measured by sensors, are not available forfeedback, and thus, the problem can be regarded as a static output feedback (SOF) control design. Then, SOFgain matrices are computed through a two-stage method, based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Intendingto illustrate the efficacy and explore the main features of the proposed technique, some computational examplesare presented in an application of the method for the design of a robust controller for the classic benchmarkproblem of the two-mass-spring problem. The examples cover the case of asymptotic stabilization of known anduncertain system model, in addition to decay rate inclusion and incomplete system state information.