Parallel processing techniques have become widespread in applications requiring very high throughput or which have real-time deadlines. However, the potential gains from parallel processing can be diminished by the communication overhead inherent in these systems. With tightly-coupled architectures being used as the platform, an optimal way of scheduling the messages in a network is addressed. Static scheduling, while being able to utilize a priori information, is found to be lacking when this information is unavailable or inaccurate. Dynamic scheduling can adjust to changes within the network at run-time but suffers from not having any knowledge of the network traffic environment. To solve this problem, we introduce a hybrid scheduling technique which seeks to extract the best from each of these approaches. This hybrid scheduling technique incorporates a priority scheme derived from using the newly developed Collision Graph model. The determination of an optimal schedule is an NP-complete problem. Therefore, heuristics are used in the development of a priority mapping algorithm to deal with a general case model of message traffic. Experiments performed show a significant improvement over baseline approaches.
INTRODUC~ONIn systems requiring high throughput or which have realtime deadlines, high-performance multi-processor designs are increasingly being used. While such systems can reduce the computation time, the communication overhead required can be substantial. One way to improve the total execution time is to hide this communication time by overlapping it with the computation time. The creation of a new scheduling "'Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or cl~sroom use is granted without lee provided that copies are not made or distributed lbr profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights lbr components of this work owned by others than ACM rot, st be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, rcqt, ires prior specific permission and/or a lee." c 1997 ACM 0-897¢)1-850-9 97 0002 3.50 technique was required to achieve such a goal, since most of the existing scheduling methods do not consider the communication characteristics of the problem [4] and are unable to achieve an optimal schedule.In multi-processor systems, the performance is directly affected by the way tasks are allocated to the individual processing elements. Then, the communication costs stem from the underlying message passing. This research assumes that a suitable task allocation scheme, such as the one presented in [5], has been used and deals with the message transmissions. Therefore, the new scheduling technique is not a type of multi-processor scheduling, but rather deals strictly with determining an ordering of these transmissions. It does, howeven incorporate aspects of multi-processor scheduling in arriving at a novel hybrid static-dynamic sch...