The diffusion Monte Carlo ͑DMC͒ method is used to analyze various properties of the three-dimensional plasma of charged bosons in the homogeneous fluid regime, over the density range 1рr s р160 extending from the so-called uniform limit (r s Ͻ1) to the crystalline phase (r s Ͼ160). The data on the static density response function (k) extend to intermediate and high wave number k the work of Sugiyama, Bowen, and Alder ͓Phys. Rev. B 46, 13 042 ͑1992͔͒ and allow us to extract the static local-field factor G(k) for exchange and correlation. The DMC results for the momentum distribution n(k) show that the condensate fraction decreases with increasing coupling strength from 83% at r s ϭ1 to less than 1% at r s ϭ160. We also present results for the ground-state energy E g (r s ) and for the structure factor S(k). The results for E g (r s ), n(k), and (k) are summarized in analytic interpolation formulas embodying the known asymptotic behaviors. A rigorous upper bound on the plasmon dispersion curve is obtained from the DMC data through a sum-rule argument.