A nonlinear description of the interaction of charged particles penetrating a solid has become of basic importance in the interpretation of a variety of physical phenomena. Here we develop a manybody theoretical approach to the quadratic decay rate, energy loss, and wake potential of charged particles moving in an interacting free electron gas. Explicit expressions for these quantities are obtained either within the random-phase approximation (RPA) or with full inclusion of short-range exchange and correlation effects. The Z 3 1 correction to the energy loss of ions is evaluated beyond RPA, in the limit of low velocities.When charged particles pass through a solid, energy can be lost to the medium through various types of elastic and inelastic collision processes. 1 While at relativistic velocities radiative losses may become important, for moving charged particles in the non-relativistic regime the energy loss is primarily due to electron-electron (e-e) interactions giving rise to the generation of electron-hole pairs, collective excitations such as plasmons, and innershell excitations and ionizations. Energy losses due to nuclear recoil are negligible, unless the projectile velocity is very small compared to the mean speed of electrons in the solid. 2 The inelastic decay rate of charged particles in a degenerate interacting free electron gas (FEG) has been calculated for many years in the first-Born approximation or, equivalently, within linear-response theory. This is a good approximation when the velocity of the projectile is much greater than the average velocity of target electrons. However, in the case of projectiles moving with smaller velocities, nonlinearities have been shown to play a key role in the interpretation of a variety of experiments. Energy-loss measurements have revealed differences, not present within linear-response theory, between the energy loss of protons and antiprotons. 3,4 Moreover, experimentally observed coherent double-plasmon excitations 5,6 cannot be described within linear-response theory, and nonlinearities may also play an important role in the electronic wake generated by moving ions in a FEG. 7 Pioneering nonlinear calculations of the electronic energy loss of low-energy ions in an electron gas were performed by Echenique et al . 8 These authors computed the scattering cross section for a statically screened potential, which was determined self-consistently using densityfunctional theory (DFT). 9 These static-screening calculations have recently been extended to velocities approaching the Fermi velocity. 10 Second-order perturbative calculations, which do not have the limitation of being restricted to low projectile velocities, have been reported by different authors with use of the random-phase approximation (RPA) and by treating the moving charged particle as a prescribed source of energy and momentum. [11][12][13][14][15] In this paper, we report a many-body theoretical approach to the quadratic decay rate, energy loss, and wake potential of charged particles moving in ...