For many years, the Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery of the Silesian University of Technology has been using a small-capacity (about 500 kWe) steam-gas power plant. Based on many yearsof experience in operation of this power plant utilizing the Velox-type gas-steam system, an idea arose to modify this type of thermal power cycle to create a combined heat and power (CHP) plant of small capacity, dedicated for distributed heat and power production of the range up to 500 kW or production process steam with high temperature. Previous thermodynamic and economic analysis of that type of CHP plant were conducted for natural gas as afuel. The new idea is use the alternative gas fuels or waste heat for Velox-type CHP plant. An adaptation of the Velox-type CHP plant for various fuelscan be done in simple way by moving the combustion chamber out from the setof heat exchangers, in similar way as it is done for HRSG. This paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of the Velox-type steam-gas cycle fired with various alternative gas fuels such as coke gas, blast furnace gas, biogas orgas from gasification. The systems are modelled in the EBSILON® Professional 13 program.