Starting from Gauss and Kelvin, knots in fields were postulated behaving like particles, but experimentally they were found only as transient features or required complex boundary conditions to exist and couldn't self-assemble into three-dimensional crystals. We introduce energetically stable micrometer-sized knots in helical fields of chiral liquid crystals. While spatially localized and freely diffusing in all directions, they resemble colloidal particles and atoms, self-assembling into crystalline lattices with open and closed structures. These knots are robust and topologically distinct from the host medium, though they can be morphed and reconfigured by weak stimuli under conditions like in displays. A combination of energyminimizing numerical modeling and optical imaging uncovers the internal structure and topology of individual helical field knots and various hierarchical crystalline organizations they form.One Sentence Summary: Stable solitonic and vortex knots in molecular alignment fields behave like particles and form triclinic crystals.
Main Text:Topological order and phases represent an exciting frontier of modern research (1), but topologyrelated ideas have a long history in physics (2). Gauss postulated that knots in fields could behave like particles whereas Kelvin, Tait and Maxwell believed that the matter, including crystals, could be made of real-space free-standing knots of vortices (2-4). These early physics models, introduced long before even the very existence of atoms was widely accepted, gave origins to modern mathematical knot theory (2-4). Expanding this topological paradigm, Skyrme and others modeled subatomic particles with different baryon numbers as nonsingular topological solitons and their clusters (3-5). Knotted fields emerged in classical and quantum field theories (3-7) and in scientific branches ranging from fluid mechanics to particle physics and cosmology (2-11). In condensed matter, arrays of singular vortex lines and low-dimensional analogs of Skyrme solitons were found as topologically nontrivial building blocks of exotic thermodynamic phases in superconductors, magnets and liquid crystals (LCs) (12-14). Could they be knotted, and could these knots self-organize into three-dimensional (3D) crystals? Knotted fields in condensed matter found many experimental and theoretical embodiments, including both nonsingular solitons and knotted vortices (7)(8)(9)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23). However, they were metastable and decayed with time (7-9,15-17) or could not be stabilized without colloidal Shnir, H. Sohn, R. Voinescu and Y. Yuan for discussions.