Abstract:The spatial distribution of toluene and THF in the polyester poly(diethy1ene glycol-cosuccinic acid) and its Mg2+-containing "telechelic" derivative was described by Kirkwood-Buff-Zimm (KBZ) cluster integrals. The values of KBZ integrals as a function of the volume fraction of solvent in the polymer-solvent systems were obtained from finite concentration inverse gas chromatography measurements utilizing the elution-on-a-plateau technique. The results show that toluene has a higher self-affinity to form clusters in the pure polyester than THF, which is more homogeneously distributed in the polymer. Data for preferential solvation indicate that a segregation of parts of the polymer chains is present in the toluene-polyester system. When metal ions are introduced, the self-affinity of the solvent molecules to gather increases, whereas solvent clusters of toluene form in the free volume, and the gathering of the THF is likely to take place close to the metal ions. Based on the electron donacity values of the various donor groups present in the metal-ion-containing polymer it was assumed that THF in the Mg2+-containing polyester will be bound to the central metal ion while the apolar toluene will participate in the solvation of the apolar parts of the polymer and will be "repelled from the ion-containing regions. The concentration of these ionic centres, which act as effective cross-links in the coordination polymer, was determined from measurements of thermodynamic activity. A comparison of the experimental and estimated effective cross-link density values indicates a nearly atomic dispersion of Mg2+ in the metal-ioncontaining polyesters.Key words: inverse gas chromatography, cluster integrals, solvent partition in polymers, metal-ioncontaining polyesters, Flory-Huggins interaction parameter.RCsumC : Utilisant les intCgrales d7agrCgats de Kirkwood-Buff-Zimm (KBZ), on a dCcrit la distribution spatiale du tolubne et du THF dans le polyester, poly(di6thylbne glycol-co-acid succinique), et dans son dCrivC xttlCch6liqueu contenant du Mg2+. Utilisant la technique d'Clution sur un plateau lors de mesures de chromatographie en phase gazeuse inversCe, i concentration dCfinie, on a obtenu les valeurs des intigrales de KBZ en fonction de la fraction volumique du solvant dans les systbmes polymbre-solvant. Les rCsultats montrent que le tolubne possbde une autoaffinitk B former des agrCgats qui est plus grande dans le polyester pur que celle du THF qui est distribuC d'une faqon plus homogbne dans le polymkre.Les donntes relatives i la solvatation prCfCrentielle indiquent qu'il existe une sCgrCgation de parties des chaines de polymbre dans le systbme to~ubne-polyester. Quand on introduit des ions metalliques, l'autoaffinti des molCcules de solvant augmente, alors que les agrigats de solvant du tolubne se foment dans le volume libre, et I'agrtgation du THF se produit probablement prbs des ion mCtalliques. Sur la base des valuers exprimant la facilitC B donner des Clectrons des divers groupes donneurs prCsents dans le poly...