Stationary, axially symmetric Brans-Dicke-Maxwell solutions are reexamined in the framework of the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory. We see that, employing a particular parametrization of the standard axially symmetric metric simplifies the procedure of obtaining the Ernst equations for axially symmetric electrovacuum space-times for this theory. This analysis also permits us to construct a two parameter extension in both Jordan and Einstein frames of an old solution generating technique frequently used to construct axially symmetric solutions for BD theory from a seed solution of general relativity. As applications of this technique, several known and new solutions are constructed including a general axially symmetric BD-Maxwell solution of Plebanski-Demianski with vanishing cosmological constant, i.e. the Kinnersley solution and general magnetized Kerr-Newman-type solutions. Some physical properties and the circular motion of test particles for a particular subclass of Kinnersley solution, i.e., a Kerr-Newman-NUT-type solution for BD theory, are also investigated in some detail.Brans-Dicke (BD) scalar-tensor theory [1] is the most studied alternative theory of gravity generalizing general relativity (GR) in a consistent way by introducing a scalar field replacing Newton's gravitational constant. Being one of the most straightforward extension of GR, this theory draws a lot of interest and helps to test various aspects of GR. The peculiar differences were noted in the exact solutions of this theory compared to the similar solutions of GR. For example, static spherically symmetric vacuum solutions of BD theory [2], unlike GR, do not describe asymptotically flat black holes [3] resulting from gravitational collapse, unless the scalar field becomes a constant. This is due to the fact that corresponding solutions in BD theory cannot meet three important criteria, namely, asymptotic flatness, regularity at the horizon and the weak energy condition, simultaneously. After the discovery of spherically and axially symmetric exact solutions, it was realized that there are ranges of parameters in which these solutions describe black holes [4][5][6][7][8] where the first two criteria are met but the third one is not. However, these ranges are at the nonphysical negative values of the BD parameter, ω, where the kinetic term becomes negative. Hence, it is concluded that the black holes of BD theory obeying these three conditions must be the same as the black holes of GR, requiring a constant BD scalar. Although they are the same, their perturbations can behave differently [9] owing to the fact that they are the solutions of different theories. Thus, the differences between perturbations of GR and BD theories for the same black hole solution might be another tool [9,10] to test BD theory against GR.Obtaining exact solutions of any theory is important for several reasons, such as, for comparisons with observational results or for obtaining the outcomes of the theory under consideration. One important class of these solutions with a grea...