The continual trend of shrinking feature sizes and reducing voltage levels makes transistors faster and more efficient. However, it also makes them more susceptible to transient hardware faults. Transient faults due to high energy particle strikes or circuit crosstalk can corrupt the output of a program or cause it to crash. Previous studies have reported that as much as 70% of the transient faults disturb program control flow, making it critical to protect control flow. Traditional approaches employ signatures to check that every control flow transfer in a program is valid. While having high fault coverage, large performance overheads are introduced by such detailed checking. We propose a coarse-grain control flow checking method to detect transient faults in a cost effective way. Our software-only approach is centered on the principle of abstraction: control flow that exhibits simple run-time properties (e.g., proper path length) is almost always completely correct. Our solution targets off-theshelf commodity embedded systems to provide a low cost protection against transient faults. The proposed technique achieves its efficiency by simplifying signature calculations in each basic block and by performing checking at a coarse-grain level. The coarsegrain signature comparison points are obtained by the use of a region based analysis. In addition, we propose a technique to protect control flow transfers via call and return instructions to ensure all control flow is covered by our technique. Overall, our proposed technique has an average of 11% performance overhead in comparison to 75% performance overhead of previously proposed signature based techniques while maintaining approximately the same degree of fault coverage.