Estimation of the parameters of generalized inverted exponential distribution is considered under constant stress accelerated life test. Besides the maximum likelihood method, nine different frequentist methods of estimation are used to estimate the unknown parameters. Moreover, the reliability function is estimated under use conditions based on different methods of estimation. We perform extensive simulation experiments to see the performance of the proposed estimators. As an illustration, a real data set is analyzed to demonstrate how the proposed methods may work in practice.
KEYWORDSaccelerated life testing, Cramér-von-Mises estimation method, generalized inverted exponential distribution, least squares method, maximum likelihood method, percentile method, weighted least squares method 1296 He has to his credit more than 174 research papers in journals of repute. He is a reviewer and associate editors of reputed international journals. He has a good number of contributions in almost all fields of Statistics viz., distribution theory, discretization of continuous distribution, reliability theory, multi-component stress-strength reliability, survival analysis, Bayesian inference, Record Statistics, Statistical quality control, order statistics, lifetime performance index based on classical and Bayesian approach as well as different types of censoring schemes etc.