study of protein adsorption at the single molecule level has
recently revealed that the adsorption is reversible, but with a long-tailed
residence time distribution which can be approximated with a sum of
exponential functions putatively related to distinct adsorption sites.
Here it is proposed that the shape of the residence time distribution
results from an adsorption process with sequential and reversible
steps that contribute to overall binding strength resembling “zippering”.
In this model, the survival function of the residence time distribution
of single proteins varies from an exponential distribution for a single
adsorption step to a power law distribution with exponent −1/2
for a large number of adsorption steps. The adsorption of fluorescently
labeled fibrinogen to glass surfaces is experimentally studied with
single molecule imaging. The experimental residence time distribution
can be readily fit by the proposed model. This demonstrates that the
observed long residence times can arise from stepwise adsorption rather
than rare but strong binding sites and provides guidance for the control
of protein adsorption to biomaterials.