The quasi-Gaussian entropy ͑QGE͒ theory employs the fact that a free-energy change can be written as the moment-generating function of the appropriate probability distribution function of macroscopic fluctuations of an extensive property. By modeling this distribution, one obtains a model of free energy and resulting thermodynamics as a function of one state variable. In this paper the QGE theory has been extended towards theoretical models or equations of state ͑EOS's͒ of the thermodynamics of semiclassical systems as a function of two state variables. Two ''monovariate'' QGE models are combined in the canonical ensemble: one based on fluctuations of the excess energy ͑the confined gamma state giving the temperature dependence͒ and the other based on fluctuations of the reduced electromagnetic moment ͓various models as derived in the preceding paper ͓Apol, Amadei, and Di Nola, J. Chem. Phys. 116, 4426 ͑2002͔͒, giving the external field dependence͔. This provides theoretical EOS's for fluid systems as a function of both temperature and electromagnetic field. Special limits of these EOS's are considered: the general weak-field EOS and the limit to a Curie's law behavior. Based on experimental data of water and simulation data using the extended simple point charge ͑SPC/E͒ water model at 45.0 and 55.51 mol/dm 3 , the specific EOS based on a relatively simple combination of the confined gamma state model with a discrete uniform state field model accurately reproduces the dielectric properties of water at constant density, as the temperature dependence of the weak-field dielectric constant for gases and liquids, and the field dependence of the dielectric constant of liquids.