An asymptotically exact method for the direct computation of turbulent polymeric liquids that includes (a) fully resolved, creeping microflow fields due to hydrodynamic interactions between chains, (b) exact account of (subfilter) residual stresses, (c) polymer Brownian motion, and (d) direct calculation of chain entanglements, is formulated. Although developed in the context of polymeric fluids, the method is equally applicable to turbulent colloidal dispersions and aerosols.a On visit to Department of Aerospace, California Institute of Technology (GALCIT) 1 PROLOGUE Traditionally, the study of polymeric liquids [1,2] (and similarly of colloidal dispersions [3,4]) involves two major strains of thought. On the one hand, there is the viscoelastic fluid dynamics approach [5][6][7], that models complex fluids as continuum field theories, by employing a suitable constitutive law. Due to its relative simplicity and affinity with standard fluid dynamical investigations, this approach is particularly suitable for the analysis of complicated flow phenomena including instabilities and turbulence [8][9][10]. However, such studies are usually limited to dilute polymer systems, since dense polymer flows necessarily involve entanglements between polymer chains, and the effects of the latter on elastic stresses levels are difficult to accurately capture with standard constitutive laws [11,12]. Another, equally important, limitation of the classical field theoretic approach is that the employed constitutive laws originate in rheological flows that are either simple elongational/shear flows, or involve periodic unsteady effects (see particularly lucid discussions of these in [11,13]). The applicability of rheological constitutive laws to fully developed turbulent fluctuation fields is not straightfoward, since the latter are non-Gaussian and highly intermittent [14][15][16], hence the polymer chains find themselves interacting with velocity fields of a much higher degree of unstructured unsteadiness than usually is the case in rheology [17,18].The need for a constitutive law is bypassed via mesoscopic modeling of polymeric liquids [19]. In this formulation, the solvent is described via the Navier-Stokes equation, and is coupled with the polymer chains that are modeled by some version of the bead-spring model [12,20,21]. Due to the mesoscopic character of the modeling, the polymer chains interact via effective intermolecular potentials, and undergo Brownian motion. Such hybrid fluid-chains formulation has many advantages over the aforementioned fully continuum approach: (a) there is no need for a constitutive law, since elastic effects in the flow are taken into account from first principles via chain elasticity, and the explicit coupling of the chains with the flow field. It is important to note that, in order for this statement to be valid in non-dilute systems, one needs to employ a version of the bead-spring model that allows the formation of entanglements between chains and the calculation of their implication...