A latent class extension of signal detection theory is presented and applications are illustrated. The approach is useful for situations where observers attempt to detect latent categorical events or where the goal of the analysis is to select or classify cases. Signal detection theory is shown to offer a simple summary of the observers' performance in terms of detection and response criteria. Implications of the view via signal detection for the training of raters are noted, as are approaches to validating the parameters and classifications. An extension of the signal detection model to more than two latent classes, with a simple restriction on the detection parameters, is introduced. Sample programs to fit the models using software for latent class analysis or software for second generation structural equation modeling are provided.In many situations in psychology, education, and medicine, observers attempt to detect or discriminate between two or more classes of events. When the events are observable, the methods of signal detection theory (SDT) can be used to obtain a measure of an observer's ability to detect or discriminate (see Macmillan & Creelman, 1991;Swets, 1996). Consider, for example, a simple test of recognition memory. A list of words can be presented during a study period and a combination of old words (from the list) and new words can be presented during a subsequent test, with the observers' task being to decide whether each word is old or new, or to rate their confidence that a word is old or new. From the perspective of SDT, the effect of an event (an old or new word) can be represented by a continuous latent variable, usually interpreted as an observer's perception of the event (e.g., the familiarity of the word), which is used together with a response criterion to arrive at a decision of old or new. The results can be summarized by a detection parameter, say d, which for the memory example is a measure of recognition memory strength, and by a parameter c that indicates the location of the response criterion; the location of the criterion is viewed as