This field study investigated the effect of retaking identical selection tests on subsequent test scores of 4,726 candidates for law enforcement positions. For both cognitive ability and oral communication ability selection tests, candidates produced significant score increases between the 1st and 2nd and the 2nd and 3rd test administrations. Furthermore, the repeat testing relationships with posthire training performance and turnover were examined in a sample of 1,515 candidates eventually selected into the organization. As predicted from persistence and continuance commitment rationales, the number of tests necessary to gain entry into the organization was positively associated with training performance and negatively associated with turnover probability. the 1st and 2nd and the 2nd and 3rd test administrations. Furthermore, the repeat testing relationships with posthire training performance and turnover were examined in a sample of 1,515 candidates eventually selected into the organization. As predicted from persistence and continuance commitment rationales, the number of tests necessary to gain entry into the organization was positively associated with training performance and negatively associated with turnover probability.
Retaking Ability Tests 3The area of employment-related test preparation is undergoing considerable growth.Moreover, many employers, particularly those in the public sector, allow job applicants to retake employee selection tests. Thus, it is important to gauge, in the employment realm, the effectiveness and implications of what is commonly referred to as test coaching and practice.Although some research has addressed whether coaching and practice generally yield improvements in ability test scores (Kulik, Bangert-Drowns, & Kulik, 1984; and although more recent studies have examined test preparation courses in such contexts as college admission decisions (e.g., Briggs, 2001), no research exists on ability test practice in an employee selection context. Consequently, the important issue of whether retaking such selection tests might change test scores and subsequent hiring decisions has been, as of yet, unexplored. In addition, retaking these tests may have implications that extend beyond employee selection. In this study, we examined cognitive ability and oral communication ability selection tests to understand how scores change with repeat administrations. Furthermore, we investigated whether retaking such tests is related to posthire training performance and employee turnover.Thus, the purpose of this article is threefold. First, we examined the relationship between test practice and test scores. Drawing from research in educational psychology and other fields, we attempted to extend to employment settings the prior findings concerning practice effects on cognitive ability test scores. We also investigated a potential practice effect on oral communication ability test scores for the same sample. Second, we investigated the relationship between the number of attempts to gain entr...