Mathematical models based on deterministic differential equations do not take into account the inherent uncertainty of the physical phenomenon (in a wide sense) under study. In addition, inaccuracies in the collected data often arise due to errors in the measurements. It thus becomes necessary to treat the input parameters of the model as random quantities, in the form of random variables or stochastic processes. This gives rise to the study of random ordinary and partial differential equations. The computation of the probability density function of the stochastic solution is important for uncertainty quantification of the model output. Although such computation is a difficult objective in general, certain stochastic expansions for the model coefficients allow faithful representations for the stochastic solution, which permits approximating its density function. In this regard, Karhunen-Loève and generalized polynomial chaos expansions become powerful tools for the density approximation. Also, methods based on discretizations from finite difference numerical schemes permit approximating the stochastic solution, therefore its probability density function. The main part of this dissertation aims at approximating the probability density function of important mathematical models with uncertainties in their formulation. Specifically, in this thesis we study, in the stochastic sense, the following models that arise in different scientific areas: in Physics, the model for the damped pendulum; in Biology and Epidemiology, the models for logistic growth and Bertalanffy, as well as epidemiological models; and in Thermodynamics, the heat partial differential equation. We rely on Karhunen-Loève and v generalized polynomial chaos expansions and on finite difference schemes for the density approximation of the solution. These techniques are only applicable when we have a forward model in which the input parameters have certain probability distributions already set. When the model coefficients are estimated from collected data, we have an inverse problem. The Bayesian inference approach allows estimating the probability distribution of the model parameters from their prior probability distribution and the likelihood of the data. Uncertainty quantification for the model output is then carried out using the posterior predictive distribution. In this regard, the last part of the thesis shows the estimation of the distributions of the model parameters from experimental data on bacteria growth. To do so, a hybrid method that combines Bayesian parameter estimation and generalized polynomial chaos expansions is used.