We study the stochastic formalism of inflation beyond the usual slow-roll approximation. We verify that the assumptions on which the stochastic formalism relies still hold even far from the slow-roll attractor. This includes demonstrating the validity of the separate universe approach to evolving long-wavelength scalar field perturbations beyond slow roll. We also explain that, in general, there is a gauge correction to the amplitude of the stochastic noise. This is because the amplitude is usually calculated in the spatially-flat gauge, while the number of e-folds is used as the time variable (hence one works in the uniform-N gauge) in the Langevin equations. We show that these corrections vanish in the slow-roll limit, but we also explain how to calculate them in general. We compute them in difference cases, including ultra-slow roll and the Starobinsky model that interpolates between slow roll and ultra-slow roll, and find the corrections to be negligible in practice. This confirms the validity of the stochastic formalism for studying quantum backreaction effects in the very early universe beyond slow roll.
Keywords: physics of the early universe, inflationRecently, situations in which non-slow-roll stochastic effects are at play have been highlighted [24][25][26][27][28]. For instance, if the inflationary potential features a very flat section close to the end of inflation, large curvature perturbations could be produced that later collapse into primordial black holes. If such a flat portion exists, it may be associated with both large stochastic diffusion [29] and deviations from slow-roll, e.g. along the so-called ultra-slow-roll (or "friction dominated") regime [30,31], which in some cases can be stable [32]. This explains the need for implementing the stochastic inflation programme beyond slow roll, which is the aim of the present work.This paper is organised as follows. In Sec. 2, we quickly review the stochastic inflation formalism and identify the three main requirements for the validity of this approach: the quantum-to-classical transition of super-Hubble fluctuations, the validity of the separate universe approach, and the consistent implementation of gauge corrections. The two latter requirements are the non-trivial ones and we examine them in Secs. 3 and 4 respectively. Although recently questioned [33], we find the separate universe approach to hold beyond slow roll, and we explain how the gauge corrections to the amplitude of the stochastic noise (that vanish in the slow-roll regime if the number of e-folds is used as a time variable) can be derived in general. We then apply this program to three situations of interest: slow roll in Sec. 5, where we recover the usual results, ultra-slow roll in Sec. 6, and the Starobinsky model in Sec. 7, which interpolates between an ultra-slow-roll and a slow-roll phase. In all cases, we find the gauge corrections to be negligible, allowing for the usual stochastic formulation to be employed.