In Chapter 8, we have seen how scattering techniques provide a powerful way not only to measure the size and morphology of colloidal particles but also to investigate their interactions in solutions. The form and structure factor of very small particles, however, can only be obtained using SANS or SAXS, which require a large-scale facility such as a nuclear plant or a synchrotron radiation source. An alternative technique that can be set up at reasonable cost in any lab is dynamic light scattering (DLS), based on measuring the time dependence of the scattered radiation rather than the static intensity, which allows investigating colloidal particles and structures ranging from a few nanometers up to any size and provides further important information on the particle Brownian dynamics introduced in Chapter 9. Optical microscopy methods, which have become increasingly more sophisticated and powerful, are of course another important class of experimental technique suitable to be used in a small lab. The historical development of these two widespread approaches to particle sizing and characterization has proceeded along paths that, after the seminal contributions by great scientists like Abbe and Zernike, have been mostly separated. The aim of this chapter is showing that, as a matter of fact, scattering and microscopy are intimately related and that a full appraisal of this deep connection allows to design novel powerful investigation methods that combine their powers. Understanding this relation requires, however, to master some basic concepts in statistical optics, which is the purpose of the next introductory section.
BASIC CONCEPTS IN STATISTICAL OPTICSScattering or microscopy experiments necessarily involve statistical fluctuations, which already stem from the optical source used to probe the investigated system, are modified by the interaction of the probing field with the sample, and are further influenced by the detection 233 Colloidal Foundations of Nanoscience #