DOI: 10.5194/angeo-23-1311-2005
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Statistical study of the proton isotropy boundary

Abstract: Abstract. Based on a large data set of polar NOAA-type satellite observations we studied the latitude-MLT shape of the 80 keV proton isotropy boundary (IB) as a function of the solar wind parameters and magnetic activity. Using "snapshots" of isotropy boundaries near-simultaneously crossed at four points we found that its equatorward expansion, as well as its dawn-dusk shift, depends mostly on the AEindex and on the corrected D st *, whereas the amplitude of the IB daily variation is mostly controlled by the s… Show more

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Cited by 15 publications
(21 citation statements)
References 12 publications
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“…The position of the isotropization boundary is asymmetric in space: the night sector is considerably lower in lati tude than the dayside sector. With increasing geomag netic activity the IB is displaced to the equator at all longitudes, in accordance with the results of [10]. The largest changes take place in the dayside sector, while the night segment of the boundary varies insignifi cantly.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 87%
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“…The position of the isotropization boundary is asymmetric in space: the night sector is considerably lower in lati tude than the dayside sector. With increasing geomag netic activity the IB is displaced to the equator at all longitudes, in accordance with the results of [10]. The largest changes take place in the dayside sector, while the night segment of the boundary varies insignifi cantly.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 87%
“…The authors of [9] associate the region of isotropic precipitation with strongly curved magnetic field lines, which lead to intense pitch angle diffusion of particles and to their isotropic distribution. Using the statistical analysis of the data of two simultaneous measurements made by two low orbit satellites of the POES series in [10], the latitude-longitude position of the isotropiza tion boundary was studied as a function of interplane tary medium conditions and geomagnetic activity. In this paper it is demonstrated that with intensification of geomagnetic activity a motion of the IB to the equa tor is observed; the amplitude of motion of the IB day side part is mainly determined by dynamics of solar wind pressure; motion in the evening sector is related to the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the magnetic field in the inner magnetosphere.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The determined latitudes of IBs in the dusk sector during the Sym-H * minimum period are in agreement with the statistical study of the proton isotropy boundary by Lvova et al (2005). The authors studied the latitude MLT shape of the IB as a function of solar wind parameters and geomagnetic indices.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 84%
“…Previous modeling studies by Lvova et al (2005) and Shevchenko et al (2010) identified that, for the wide range of disturbed-to-quiet activity conditions, the proton IBs in the equatorial nightside magnetosphere (due to the CSS mechanism) should be located at geocentric distances of 5-9 Re. Ideally, to ensure accurate mapping, magnetospheric observations should be available at a few locations covering this distance range in the conjugate equatorial magnetosphere.…”
Section: Observationsmentioning
confidence: 98%