Within the scope of the self-consistent-field (SCF) and mean-SCF (MSCF) approximations, static-concentration-waves and Matsubara-Kanzaki-Krivoglaz lattice statics methods, on the basis of state-of-the-art diffraction data concerning coherent and diffuse scattering of radiations in (dis)ordered f.c.c.-Ni-Fe alloys for various composition-temperature regions, and on the basis of data of independent magnetic measurements, the regular parameterization and estimation of 'pair-wise' interatomic interactions of the various nature (namely, 'direct' short-range 'electrochemical' and magnetic contributions as well as indirect long-range 'strain-induced' interaction) have been carried out taking into account their concentration and temperature dependences. As shown unfortunately, many of available 'electrochemical' interaction parameters obtained with use of the well-known ab initio and semi-phenomenological computational methodologies are limited in their applications for the statisticalthermodynamic analysis of f.c.c.-Ni-Fe alloys because most of them are contrary to the regularities of a 'mixing'-energy symmetry and, as a result, to the symmetries of observed L1 2 -Ni 3 Fe-, L1 0 -NiFe-or L1 2 -Fe 3 Ni-type ordered phas-Успехи физ. мет. / Usp. Fiz. Met. 2010, т. 11, сс. 413-460 Оттиски доступны непосредственно от издателя Фотокопирование разрешено только в соответствии с лицензией © 2010 ИМФ (Институт металлофизики им. Г. В. Курдюмова НАН Украины) Напечатано в Украине.