The aim of this article is to highlight practical recommendations based on our experience as reviewers and journal editors and refer to some most common mistakes in manuscripts submitted to Biochemia Medica. One of the most important parts of the article is the Abstract. Authors quite often forget that Abstract is sometimes the fi rst (and only) part of the article read by the readers. The article Abstract must therefore be comprehensive and provide key results of your work. Problematic part of the article, also often neglected by authors is the subheading Statistical analysis, within Materials and methods, where authors must explain which statistical tests were used in their data analysis and the rationale for using those tests. They also need to make sure that all tests used are listed under Statistical analysis section, as well as that all tests listed are indeed used in the study. When writing Results section there are several key points to keep in mind, such as: are results presented with adequate precision and accurately; is descriptive analysis appropriate; is the measure of confi dence provided for all estimates; if necessary and applicable, are correct statistical tests used for analysis; is P value provided for all tests, etc. Especially important is not to make any conclusions on the causal relationship unless the study is an experiment or clinical trial. We believe that the use of the proposed checklist might increase the quality of the submitted work and speed up the peer-review and publication process for published articles.